Logo Evolution

Original Podcast Logo
(November 2020-September 2021)

Updated Podcast Logo
September 2021-May 2023

Current Podcast Logo
(May 2023-Present Day)
The 911 Lone Star Round Up Podcast was established in the Fall of 2020. Several fans who met on Instagram began Zoom chatting and their lively conversations of all things 911 Lone Star, Tarlos, 911, Buddie, and so much more, led to their decision to turn their chats into a podcast. The first episode was released in November 2020. Co-hosts and besties Katie, Grace, and EJ have shared their thoughts and opinions on the podcast since the beginning. The three have covered all past seasons of 911 Lone Star and 911, up to the present airing of season 7 of 911.
Get To Know Your Hosts

Katie lives in Upstate NY. She loves makeup, reading, filming videos, and traveling. She loves traveling mostly wherever the palm trees and seashells are, especially when it is cold and snowy in New York. She has been creating content since 2015. She started with posting beauty and lifestyle videos on YouTube in 2015, but now has branched out to making content on TikTok and instagram as well. Her favorite videos to share are live reactions to her favorite shows and videos like get ready with me & hauls.
To get in touch with Katie, you can check out all her links on her link list here, or email her at: Katie@911LSRoundUp.com

Grace lives in Maryland. Former farm girl, current bartender, and future firefighter, she loves nature and being with her friends, but can more reliably be found inside with a good movie/show or a book when not working. She has been writing since she was a child, both original content and fan fiction, and predictably has too many Google Docs open at any given time. Also an openly queer woman, she is big on advocacy, is definitely a little opinionated, and can talk for hours about her favorite ships and special interests.
To get in touch with Grace, you can email her at: Grace@911LSRoundUp.com or find her on Instagram: @ronen_rafa_911 or Twitter: @sheepgirl31.

EJ lives in Washington State. She loves nature and road trips, and one of her favorite places to visit is the Long Beach Peninsula in Southwestern Washington. She has been writing since childhood, including fan fiction, and was able to publish her first original fiction novel in September 2023. She can also be found helping other authors self-publish their books and websites through her company Rainy Day Self-Publishing.
To get in touch with EJ, you can email her at: EJ@911LSRoundUp.com and to learn more about EJ, to buy her book, or find her social media information, check out her links here.